One would presume (if one were I) that after six months of paperless nirvana, getting back into school and acclimating students (especially the new 7th graders I teach) to life in a paperless classroom would be a breeze at this point.
Well, think again...
Just when I was getting comfortable, GoogleDocs - my paperless lifeline to students - up and stopped working at school. I found myself waking up in the middle of the night with cold sweats obsessing about how I would be able to continue sharing documents with my kids. They (and I) had gotten so used to the procedure of sharing-copying-renaming and resharing that I just KNEW that we all could just jump right in with both feet and spare ourselves the get-to-know-you period that comes along with a paperless classroom and all of its technological puzzles. Murphy and his stupid law came and bit me in the butt the first day of school. How's that for a welcome into the new school year?
Given that I'm married to the most awesome tech-savvy genius at the school, I immediately asked him (with doe eyes) to look into the problem. He did, but so far it's still a mystery, so I had no choice but to figure out another way to run my paperless classroom. All of the sudden I was just as unsure as the newest 7th grade student that walks into my classroom on the first day of school (and that's a humbling perspective for those of you who still remember the first day of 7th grade).
Luckily, I love trying new things. Luckily, so do my students.
Happy New School Year, everyone. Try something new today.