Thursday, February 3, 2011

Another Fun Activity Sans Papier - Day 8

The irony test that I gave on went really well. No glitches! It's been a week (8 days really), and the kids are getting used to the routines and pathways. One guy - the one who sent his first email on day one - looked at me and said, "Wow, Mrs. White, I've come a long way in a week, huh?" Yes sir, you most certainly have! (Last week, you had no idea how to send an email, and this week you are functioning paper-free with relative ease. I might even go so far as to say that you, sir, are even comfortable without the paper. And as you saunter in with only a textbook and a smile, I might even call you liberated...)

But again, I digress.

The same class with my emailing genius came in wondering why I had marked each desk with a number. (I love to make them wonder what in the world I could be devising for class.) With an Expo marker, I had written a number from 1-12 on each of my 24 desks. That meant that two desks had the same number. Desks with the same number became partners, so they scooted around to gain proximity to one another and listen for directions.

Once I told them that they were to translate a story with a partner sharing one document, light bulbs went off, and they started handling the technicalities on their own....At this point I stood on top of a desk, did a dance of unadulterated joy, and promised to bring them Cokes on Day 10.

The rest of the class is history: They did their work, students worked together and completed translations for access the next time they needed them, shared their documents without me having to remind them, and earned themselves a little free time.

It. was. epic.

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